Just a few tips when preparing and dropping your dog off for grooming!
#1. DON'T get off the phone after making your appointment and say "Oh fluffy's going for a bath next week" then say "Poor fluffy!!!" and then pick him up and kiss him with feelings of guilt every day until the day you drop him off. Dogs feel what we feel, if you're anticipating the grooming, so will he!
#2. DO put your dog out before you go to your groomer's. Make sure they have FULLY relieved themselves (that means #1 and #2) before entering the salon. Watch them carefully that morning to make sure they have went... and YES you even have to put them out when it is raining!
#3. DON'T come in with a dripping wet dog and say "I took him for a swim before we came in" or "I already bathed him for you!" Sometimes there are things we need to do with your dog before we bathe them so please do not bathe or take your dog for a swim before bringing them in. We also use high end products and shampoos that help us groom your dog the best we can, even if you bath them, we will do it again and it will NOT cost you less!
#4. DO tell us if your dog has any disabilities or injuries we need to be aware of. (examples: blindness, deafness, cuts, sores, past injuries, past surgery, seizures.) There is nothing worse then trying to communicate with a deaf dog when you have no idea that they are deaf! (Yes! This has happened, more then once!)
#5. DON'T anticipate your dog hating the grooming process the whole drive to the salon. If you are anxious, your dog is anxious.
#6. DO give us a number to reach you in case we need to call you at any point during the grooming process. If you do not have such a number leave us with another contact person.
#7. DON'T stick around after you drop your dog off talking to them through the gate telling them you are sorry for leaving them and you will be back soon.... and oh...can you just hold him one more time before you go? We hate to burst your bubble but most dogs, as soon as you leave... their tail goes up, head held high and they are off to sniff some doggie butt! :) The only reason they are crying or jumping at you is because they think there is something wrong with you, they feed off your energy. If you don't make a deal of it, neither will they! I promise!
#8. DO fully explain what you want done with your dog and be clear. If a picture would help you to show us then find a picture you like or think is cute and bring it with you. We will not always be able to do what is in the photo but we can definitely get a solid idea of what you are going for.
#9. DON'T come back to check on your dog before we call you!!! Phone calls are welcomed but please do not stop in. We run an open concept salon so when you walk in your dog can see, smell and hear you! This can be a recipe for disaster if we are in the middle of cutting around your dogs face with 8.5" shears that are razor sharp! One sudden move that we are not expecting and we could injure your dog. Please for the safety of your beloved pooch, CALL FIRST!
#10. DO always trust at Doggie Stylz your dog is in safe and loving hands. We care about your dog, their safety and well being at all times. You stay calm, we stay calm and guess what?... so will your dog!
YOU have the power to make your dog's grooming experience a pleasant, stress free spaw day!!! Remember it is all in YOUR energy!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
NL Pet Expo 2011

I dedicate this Blog post to Nicole, Christian & Henri in his new 'do'! :)
Doggie Stylz is gearing up for this years Pet Expo, and it should be a good one! The Pet Expo will take place June 11 & 12 at the Remax Centre (the former St. John's Curling Club). This is a public event and there will be fun for everyone and their pet all weekend long! www.nlpetexpo.com
This year for the first time we are offering a special promotion for all Exhibitors dogs. On Thursday and Friday, June 9 & 10 we are reserving our schedule for exhibitors of the NL Pet Expo to get their dogs groomed at 25% off. On top of this we are offering each dog a free creative service add on to their grooming! Don't have your dog be left out, have them smellin' fresh and lookin' fab for the Expo!
Doggie Stylz will also be debuting a fabulous new creative service for dogs at this years show. They are gaining lots of popularity in the States among people and dogs. We can't say any more then that... you will have to come down and visit us to find out about our new awesome add on to your pups Spaw service!
Lets not forget what this Expo is really all about and that is the Beagles! www.beaglepaws.com So come out and support this wonderful cause and in return you will get lots of free info on pet care along with fun and the joy of spending quality time with your pet and your family!
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